Suddenly life’s worth living again…

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Suddenly life’s worth living again…

Hello, everyone…

I’m going to start this post by expressing my appreciation for how far you all have come. At this exact time, place, and position, we are where we are supposed to be. Struggling through nearly 2 years in dentistry has often led me to question, “Is this the right decision?” and “Am I supposed to be in this position?” with thoughts of “what if…?”

Never mind. All I can say is, humans are full of confusion, wondering how different they can be in one situation compared to another. Most of the time, I’ve also grappled with the pressure in academics and the skills lab tasks during preclinical. Furthermore, I had already been in college before (graduated high school in 2020 but retook the university selection test in 2021) (I might share this story later for those of you who might be interested >_<).

There's a lyric from Foster The People that goes, "Never mind what you're looking for, you always find what you're looking for. Sometimes it's blinding in the race, but the biggest smile is when I see your face."

And here I am, gratefully, in this exact time, position, and condition, where I gently look at the picture I love the most (my parents) and the marginalized children our family has been teaching since 2014….

The smiles on their faces are my source of hope, optimism, and reward. They make my life "suddenly worth living" again….

And for those of you who might be struggling to stand up after falling down, I just want to remind you that "The world doesn't revolve around you, but remember… it can't EVOLVE without you."

So keep striving, take some rest at the exact amount of time, and always seek what you're looking for… because whatever it is, you'll find it real soon <33

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