Development Journey at Bootcamp Instarter

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Development Journey at Bootcamp Instarter
[Indonesia STAR Entreprenual Leadership Programme Bootcamp 2023]

“Standing humbly amidst the select assembly of the finest minds, a privilege earned among the top 100 scholars chosen from a diverse tapestry of universities spanning Indonesia’s western frontiers to its eastern horizons. This remarkable journey, a result of a grueling selection process that sifted through the ambitions of over 2500++ aspirants, culminated in being named an esteemed awardee of the Instarter Scholarship, generously conferred by the esteemed partnership of ParagonCorp and Rumah Kepemimpinan

This achievement, a testament to perseverance and dedication, holds the promise of a brighter tomorrow. From the westernmost reaches to the easternmost shores, unity emerges through shared dreams and aspirations. As I embark on this new chapter, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities that lie ahead, driven by the flame of passion and the desire to excel.

The road ahead beckons, and I walk it with a heart brimming with enthusiasm. Here’s to embracing this momentous milestone, and to contributing positively to the legacy of these remarkable scholars.

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