Crafted Projects

Inovasi Digital Mahasiswa BPTI Kemdikbudristek
Accelerating Academic Student at Bersinar Kampus
Charamai: Kombucha Free Alcohol from material Rami
Quality Assurance Intern
1. learn and master bottled drinking water processing techniques from sources to ready-to-drink water in the form of gallons, bottles and cups
2. analyze more than 20 sample per day for the quality and processing of bottled drinking water.
Research Tech Innovation Intern
Part Time at MT Office
1. Teaching high school chemistry material in class or privately interactively for 90 minutes
2. Taught more than 50+ students offline in Ruang Guru office
Public Speaker Intern
1. Led 8 career preparation webinar classes as an MC with audience up to 25+
2. Created 2 halolearn podcasts discussing careers with a duration of 15-30 minutes
Chief Operating Officer
1. Created and managed 4 programs Bersinar Kampus for student development in the first and second years
2. Created an intensive Beasiswa Unggulan preparation class with an audience of 500+ and scored 8 awardees
3. Coordinated with C level, Directors and managers in implementing 4 program by creating a backlog
4. Supervised and monitored the IISMA Special Project program to prepare up to 75 students and 25 mentor for IISMA based 1 on 3
1. President of InstarONE's first generation with 40 board members and 100 awardees
2. Monitored 100 INSTARTER awardees in Indonesia roadshow challenge as speakers outside their province of residence
3. Led the preparation of global business funding in the form of an overseas elevator pitch for 100 awardees
Vice Chairman
1. With chairman, lead and managed 52 programs Himaka FMIPA Unpad with 75 members divided into 14 departments
2. Carrying out innovations to create collaboration programs with external parties (Instarter, PT Sari Roti, and PT Paragon) which
resulted in increased participation to 87 participants and conducted collaborations with institutions or media partners that increase up to 1000 Instagram followers @himakaunpad
3. Developed program for student development in academic, talent or interests and organization that producing 118 quality cadres with a total of 53 achievements at local, national and international levels
Deputy head Finance
1. Promoted kabim merch products for the public with 44 items sold and profits reached IDR 677,000.00
2. Created a kabim merch Instagram account with 33 uploaded content and 273+ followers during management
1. Becoming The Most Outstanding Student in Sicence and Technology Unpad Awards 2023
2. Delegate of UNPAD on Olimpiade Nasional MIPA PT in Chemistry Kemendikbudristek 2022, 2023 and 2024
3. Becoming The Most Outstanding Student in Sicence and Technology MIPA Award 2023
4. Bronze Medal ONMIPA PT Chemistry Kemendikbudristek 2023
5. Winning More Than 10+ Achievement of Paper Competition since 2023
6. Honorable Mention ONMIPA PT Chemistry Kemendikbudristek 2022
7. Delegate of UNPAD on Lomba Inovasi Digital Mahasiswa Kemendikbudristek
8. Awardee Instarter Leadership Program by Paragon x RK
9. Awardee Leadership Bootcamp by Pemimpin.id
Chemical Analyst
1. Becoming The Most Outstanding Student
2. Winning more than 20+ National and International Chemistry Olympiad
Fequently asked questions
- What experience do you have in the industry?
Since I was a student, I have various internship and freelance experiences in Public Speaker, AMDK industry, Energy and Education where I have been accepted as an intern and freelance at Halolearn, PT Ruang Raya Indonesia (Ruang Guru), PT Tirta Investama (AQUA) and PT Pertamina (Renewable Energy).
- What soft skills are you particularly good at?