Crafted Projects

Nutristzil-Website Edukasi Gizi Seimbang bagi Remaja
Partnership Team
1) Identifying potential partnership opportunities and collaboration area.
2) Monitor INSTARTER awardees in Indonesia roadshow challenges to secure sponsorship
3) Negotiating partnership agreements and contacts
Reserch and Reasoning Team
UKM LEPPIM UPI is an intra-university organization engaged in the fields of
research, reasoning, and community service.
1) Improving the competence and achievements of organization members/administrators in the fields of writing, studies, and scientific reasoning.
2) Design team in PKM and PPK Ormawa webinar program at the national level
3) Led the event division in a writing mentoring program
Master of Ceremony on Stadium General
Project Leader Student Creativity Program
1) Led and monitored a team and balanced nutrition education project for 30+ students of SMK Mahardhika Batujajar.
2) Conceptualized and developed a balanced nutrition education curriculum and materials for teenagers.
3) Educated about balanced nutrition, physical activity, clean and healthy lifestyle to 30+ students of SMK Mahardhika Batujajar.
4) Analyzed more than 30 samples to compare participant groups and measure the level of change that occurred before and after balanced nutrition education through games.