Crafted Projects

Analisis Kebijakan Penambahan Modal Asuransi dan Penurunan Suku Bunga Federal Reserve
Research Analyst Intern
- Working on a macroeconomic analysis project for Indonesia and the US for stock projections in 2024. This is the first output of my team and I discussing the influence of the Fed's discourse on reducing interest rates and OJK policy regarding increasing the minimum insurance limit on the stock sector. This is the first output from me and my team:
- Carrying out company stock analysis based on financial reports. Output on progress.
Event Coordinator
- Organizing workshops and seminars related to the field of Microeconomics. The workshop includes workshops on data processing Sakernas, Susenas, DHS, IFLS, Spatial Econs data, Survey Solutions, etc. The seminar held was a seminar discussing microeconomic research by inviting experts from within and outside the country on the topics of Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Educational Economics, Labor Economics, Gender Economics, etc.
- Writing microeconomic research on Labor Economics and Gender Economics. Output on progress.
Asset Division Intern
Managing PSU (Public Infrastructure, Facilities and Utilities) data and inputting it into the Asset Management Information System (SIMASET), matching SIMASET data with Property Identity Cards (KIB), as well as socializing land release for district roads and surveying the locations of affected residents in Bokoharjo Village and Sambisari Village
Head of External Department
- External departments act as the frontline in connecting HIMIESPA FEB UGM with stakeholders outside HIMIESPA FEB UGM.
- Carrying out 8 work programs with 4 event work programs, namely Institutional Visit, Comparative Study, Social Project, Alumni Insight and 4 partnership work programs, namely Strategic Partnership, Collaborative Event, External Database, Scholarship and Internship Info
- Bringing major changes to the External Department by dividing it into 2 sub-sections consisting of events and partnerships with 2 deputy department heads
- Organizing Institutional Visits and offline Comparative Study to FIFGROUP, Eximbank, and Himanera FIA UI. This event is the first Instituional Visit and Comparative Study offline event since COVID-19.
Staff of Creative Economics Department
The creative economy department plays a role in accommodating the interests and talents of FEB UGM students in terms of entrepreneurship through its work program.
Hustler Team Member
The role hustler at GDSC UGM plays the role of branding and marketing the products made by the team. My team is making an application to match supply and demand for volunteer activities. This app is named "near.u". Here is our output : https://youtu.be/2IylC1R8jhU
Chief Executive
- This year's social project has the big theme of Commemorating World Children's Day. This activity includes campaigns through social media, raising donations, and distributing donations to 3 orphanages in Yogyakarta. The highlight event was held at the Rumah Buah Hati Orphanage, Yogyakarta.
- Successfully collect Rp12.000.000.000 to donate
- This event is the first offline event since COVID-19.
Head of Liaison Officer
Becoming the coordinator for the liaison officer team coordinating with visiting companies, namely Bank Indonesia and Bank Negara Indonesia
Head of Event Creative
I play a role in coordinating the creative event staff in conceptualizing the event, compiling the rundown, determining the theme, and finding the right speakers.
Expert Staff of KEN External
I played a role in blasting emails to participants regarding information from this KEN competition. In addition, I also create a side event held at KEN, namely a miniwebinar and Scavenger Hunt.
Staff of Event Creative
I played a role in conceptualizing the event from open registration, file selection, top 5 nominations, mentoring and training, and also pitching and funding.
Staff Visual Design
I play a role in the design of the e-sharing publication
Chief Marketing and Partnership Officer
- Sawoor is a business brand that my team and I started in early 2023. The business is a dry chili sauce and macaroni business. Sawoor itself is Sambal Uwur which is a typical Temanggung dish.
- Manage Sawoor's social media, here is our Ig : https://www.instagram.com/sawoor.id/
- Study economic theory, both micro and macro scope
- Has a statistical base and data analysis