[International Accounting Conference In Malaysia]

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[International Accounting Conference In Malaysia]

On the stage of the International Accounting Conference held at University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia. I am a representative from the State of Indonesia representing the University of Jember, Indonesia in a multilateral dialogue discussing the topic of accounting developments from various points of view between countries. This International Conference activity was attended by three countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam.
Each country brings the latest perspectives regarding the implementation of “Managing Big Data in Accounting”. From the country of Brunei Darussalam, we present the topic of digital financial recording which is correlated with user-friendly software by implementing a training scheme. Then, from Malaysia, he presented the topic of accounting developments related to calls for accounting practitioners to be able to develop digital-based accounting science by applying big data and framework frameworks that are relevant to applicable accounting standards.

As a representative of Indonesia, I created a solution to problems related to accounting from an agricultural perspective, where I raised the issue of financial literacy in the Dieng area, Central Java by creating an integrated application system based on financial technology, Crowdfunding and E-Commerce which are integrated. This experience broadens insight into the application of accounting standards between countries as well as hones diplomatic skills related to the application of accounting standards in each country and strengthens cross-country networks that have the same background, namely in the field of accounting. Together, we build bridges of cross-border cooperation in the development of accounting, towards innovation and knowledge exchange in the field of accounting and sustainable business. Thank you to all those who have supported this journey. Hopefully, this collaboration will not only be a brilliant start but also the foundation for a sustainable partnership.

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